Distinction Tracks

Distinction Track Goals

The Distinction Track Program is an extracurricular program at the University of Louisville School of Medicine. It was created to meet two primary goals:

  1. To increase the number of students choosing a career in academic medicine, and
  2. To provide students with the opportunity for academic exploration and scholarly productivity in an area in medicine for which they have a passion.

The University of Louisville currently has six Distinction Tracks:

  • Business and Leadership
  • Global and Public Health
  • Medical Education
  • Research
  • Health Equity and Medical Justice
  • Urban Primary Care

Each distinction track is unique in its requirements, ensures a mentored longitudinal experience, and culminates in a scholarly project. Students have the option to apply for a distinction track in years one or two depending upon track, louisville.edu/medicine/distinction-tracks

Distinction in Business and Leadership

The Distinction in Business and Leadership Track provides a fundamental knowledge base that explores the intersection of business and medicine, and arm trainees with a vital skill set to succeed in our health economy.          

Distinction in Global and Public Health

The Distinction in Global and Public Health Track introduces students to various aspects and perspectives of global and public health through the lenses of clinical, social, political, and epidemiological study.  The track facilitates extensive interdisciplinary participation in the professional fields of global and public health. Goals are to provide service-oriented learning and to train and mentor the next generation of innovative physician leaders who care for the world’s poor and work to combat health inequities.

Distinction in Medical Education

The MD with Distinction in Medical Education is a longitudinal experience that will introduce students to core principles in medical education and allows them to develop and apply skills in multiple teaching formats. The track provides insight into the structure and function of academic medicine. 

Distinction in Research

The Distinction in Research track provides medical students with meaningful and productive research experiences that enrich their medical school training. The role of clinician as researcher and the methods of basic and translational research will be taught throughout the DIR track. The format will include equipping the students with commonly used tools for research and hands-on mentored research experience.   

Distinction in Health Equity and Medical Justice   

The Distinction in Health Equity and Medical Justice (DHEMJ) track is designed to provide professional and personal development opportunities to refine student skills and competencies as change agents for health equity using a social justice framework.      

Distinction in Urban Primary Care

The Urban Primary Care Distinction Track aims to produce competent, compassionate primary care physicians equipped with the skills to serve urban populations, particularly in underserved areas. The track focuses on practical experience, community engagement, and an in-depth understanding of urban health dynamics.