School of Dentistry

School of Dentistry
Office of Student Admissions and Student Affairs
501 South Preston Street, Room 234
Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: (502) 852-5081
Advising Services
See updated information and schedule for information sessions:
About the School of Dentistry
Offering outstanding clinical education with state-of-the-art simulation education and technology, and leading biomedical research, the University of Louisville School of Dentistry (ULSD) continues to provide quality education and unique opportunities.
The School of Dentistry is a state-supported institution located in the Louisville metropolitan area. The three-story School of Dentistry building occupies almost 200,000 square feet at the Health Sciences Center downtown campus. The recently renovated clinical and laboratory facilities with state-of-the-art equipment create an environment similar to a private practice setting. Clinical areas in the School of Dentistry are built out in a secure containment cubicle system. In the cubicle, the student conducts his or her practice in an atmosphere of privacy and safety which enhances efficiency and self-confidence for patient-centered care.
The School of Dentistry offers degree programs at the undergraduate, graduate and professional levels. The undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene program offers students opportunities to learn alongside their future peers in the dental profession.
About the Dental Hygiene Program
The Office of Dental Student Affairs is available to assist students in planning their academic program and to provide students with information regarding policies, procedures, and general information.
It is the student’s responsibility to be knowledgeable of the policies and procedures, and to take the initiative in seeking help and advice. Students are encouraged to contact the office whenever they have a question, a problem, concern.
Name/Address Changes
It is the student’s responsibility to update any change in name, address, or telephone number. The student must complete a name/address change through ULink available from the UofL website.
Minimum Technical Standards
The University of Louisville School of Dentistry embraces diversity. Admission to the School is open to all qualified individuals and complies with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (1993).
The School recognizes the award of a Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene degree confirms the graduate is competent to practice dentistry. Our graduates are prepared and, upon state licensure, permitted to practice in the dental profession. Students become partners in learning as they acquire the knowledge and skills needed to meet today's challenges in the dental profession. Students rely upon their cognitive and technical skills to successfully negotiate the curriculum.
The School is aware of the unique nature of the dental curriculum. Applicants must possess the skills and abilities that will allow them to successfully complete the course of study and receive the full benefit of the education. This includes the completion of safe patient treatment. With this in mind, the student must be able to meet the following technical standards with or without accommodation:
- Fine Motor Skills
- Sensory/Observation
- Communication
- Cognitive
- Behavioral
- Immunizations
Disability Statement
Students with disabilities who need reasonable modifications to successfully complete assignments and satisfy other course criteria are encouraged to meet with the course instructor as early as possible to identify and plan specific accommodations. Students may be asked to supply a letter from the Disability Resource Center or other documentation which will assist in modification planning.
Student Conduct Policies
The University of Louisville expects its students and student organizations to conduct themselves according to generally accepted moral and social standards and to respect the rights and privileges of others. Students who enroll in the University of Louisville dental hygiene program are subject to the rules and regulations of the University.
The dental hygiene program requires high ethical standards. As future professionals, students must exhibit appropriate professional ethical behavior in all academic and clinical matters.
The School of Dentistry may terminate attendance of any student at any time, or remove from the list of degree candidates any student whom the Dean determines is or will not be able to satisfy the professional standards required of all candidates for Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene degree.
Drug Use Prohibited
In accordance with the statutes of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the possession, use or distribution of hallucinogenic and/or illegal drugs will not be tolerated on University property. Infractions will result in disciplinary action by the University which may lead to suspension or dismissal.
Student Rights
Students who believe they have been treated unfairly, discriminated against, or have had their rights abridged may initiate a grievance in accordance with procedures established in the University’s Redbook. Students would first seek to have the matter resolved through informal discussion and through administrative channels. Information about the grievance process should be obtained from the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, and is found in the Student Handbook available through the student Blackboard organization.
Student Health Policy
Each student must comply with the current health policy of the School of Dentistry. Because of contractual agreements with agencies and the changing needs of society, this policy is updated periodically. The current health policies are published in the School of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Student Handbook available in the student organization on Blackboard. If faculty or an agency deem that any student creates a health or safety risk, the student may be excluded from the clinical experience and/or dismissed from the program.
Liability and Health Insurance
All upper division dental hygiene students are required to submit proof of health insurance coverage. Students may elect coverage through the University’s student health insurance coverage. If students carry their own coverage, they can waive the University student health coverage by completing the online waiver form and providing evidence of coverage.
Liability/malpractice insurance is provided for all ULSD upper division students during their intern and extern experiences.
Immunization Requirements
All students are to comply with the University of Louisville Health Sciences Center immunizations requirements. Those requirements are distributed to students prior to matriculation.
Policies and procedures for immunization, testing, and post exposure incidents have been developed to comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), American Dental Association (ADA), American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA), and extramural site recommendations or policies. Dental hygiene students, in the course of their clinical responsibilities, have exposure to blood, blood products, tissue, secretions, or body fluids of patients potentially containing hepatitis B (HBV) and are at risk for HBV as well as other infectious diseases. The following immunizations require documentation prior to matriculation and must be submitted on the Immunization Reporting Form to the Office of Clinical Affairs prior to the first day of class: measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis, varicella, hepatitis-B (series must be initiated-first and second doses), COVID-19 (full vaccination, including any recommended boosters), and tuberculosis skin test. A tuberculosis skin test is required on a yearly basis for all students. All students must maintain compliance with the University of Louisville Health Sciences immunization and testing requirements. Students must be in compliance with immunization and testing prior to contact with patients in the clinical areas; due to some immunizations series requiring multiple injections over at least six (6) months, please start on these as early as possible. Any student not in compliance will not be allowed in the clinical areas.
Students are strongly advised to consider latex allergy testing prior to matriculation if there is a medical history indicating latex sensitivity.
Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from clinical sites as needed. Students are not allowed to provide transportation for patients.
Policy on Clinical Attire
The University of Louisville School of Dentistry expects the student entering the professional clinical/academic program to present a neat, clean, and professional attired appearance. The current policy is published in the School of Dentistry Student Clinic Manual and is updated periodically. All students must maintain compliance with the current policy. Final evaluation of student compliance with the dress code will rest with the Office of Clinic Affairs and the program faculty and director.
Academic Achievement Committee
The Dental Hygiene Academic Achievement Committee Guidelines (DH-AAC Guidelines) have been developed by the dental hygiene faculty of the School of Dentistry to provide students and faculty with pertinent information about the academic and professional standards of the School and about the process and procedures used to review student performance. Admitted upper division students are provided these guidelines, updated annually, via Blackboard.
Academic bankruptcy and forgiveness policies allow students who are returning to college after an absence of two or more years to request the adjustment of their records for one or more entire semesters of previous college work, provided certain criteria are met. View information on academic bankruptcy and forgiveness and the new Fresh Start policy in the academic policies section of this undergraduate catalog.
Advising Services
Lower Division Advising
All dental hygiene students are encouraged to meet with an advisor to seek support and referral information as needed. The academic counselor for the dental hygiene program has office hours. Students may call (502) 852-5081 or visit for information.
Freshmen students and transfers with less than 30 credit hours earned are required to be advised prior to registration. Students on conditional, warning or probationary status must also be advised prior to registering for courses. Students who are out of sequence in their program of study must meet with their advisor to revise their program of study.
Upper Division Advising
Academic advising is available to upper division students through the program director, program faculty, and the School of Dentistry Student Success Counselor. Support is available through the Office of Student Affairs and the Office of Academic Affairs, which work together to provide assistance including student counseling, tutor assignment, or course director discussion.