Final Examinations


For courses offered the full length of the term, comprehensive final examinations must be administered only on the date and time prescribed in the university final exam schedule. For courses offered less than the full length of the term (e.g. 5 week or 8 week Fall/Spring courses), comprehensive final exams may be given on the last day of class. 

Comprehensive examinations may not be given on the last regular day of class or during the reading period. No mandatory activities or assessments of any kind may be scheduled during the reading period. Examinations which cover a limited portion of the coursework may be given during the last regular class period. Longer final cumulative assessment instruments may be assigned at any time but must be completed by the date and time prescribed in the university final exam schedule. Students must be notified of the type of examinations to be given in the course as well as each examination’s percentage of the course grade. This information, along with scheduled dates and times, should be included in the course syllabus.

A student with more than two final examinations scheduled on any one date or for whom two examinations have been scheduled for the same time should speak with their instructors about possible alternate examination times. If no resolution can be found, the student should consult with their unit Dean who will ensure that the student’s examination for the class with the lowest total enrollment is rescheduled. Students must request this rescheduling from the appropriate instructor in writing at least two weeks prior to the scheduled examination.

Comprehensive final exams in distance education (fully online) courses may be given at any time during the university final exam period. Please note, online final exams in distance education courses should be conducted asynchronously.