College of Education and Human Development

College of Education and Human Development
1905 South 1st Street
Woodford and Harriett Porter Building
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292
Phone: (502) 852-6411
Social: Facebook, X, Instagram
About the College
The College of Education and Human Development (CEHD), established in 1968 as the School of Education, is a college whose mission is to promote and strengthen the professional development of individuals concerned with education and human resource development in a variety of urban settings such as schools, colleges and universities, private and corporate organizations, and government agencies. This is done by conducting research, providing service, and preparing teachers, administrators, training and development specialists, and professionals in sport management, mental and physical health, and student affairs. In 2000, the name was changed to the College of Education and Human Development, to more accurately reflect the College’s mission and programs. As an urban institution, the College is particularly concerned with improving the education and quality of life for persons of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The administration, faculty, and staff are committed to working with other university personnel and practitioners in carrying out this mission.
As one of five Commonwealth Centers of Excellence and the only one in education, the College of Education and Human Development offers programs, which are:
- Based upon established knowledge bases that incorporate urban and global perspectives as well as current understanding of best professional practice;
- Consistent with the philosophical standards and ethical practices of relevant professional associations;
- Available to qualified individuals without regard to ethnicity, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or national origin;
- Future oriented and open to change on the basis of inquiry and experimentation as well as the needs and expectations of those we serve;
- Rooted in the assumption that members of our faculty and staff are continuing learners who model the practices they teach, including the use of current information technologies; focused upon collaborative approaches to address the concerns of those we serve.
The College of Education and Human Development provides courses and other experiences designed to prepare professionals in school and non-school settings. It offers curricula leading to the Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education, Middle and Secondary Education, Health and Human Performance, Sport Administration, and Organizational Leadership and Learning.
The College of Education and Human Development also offers minors in Exercise Science, Sport Administration, Athletic Coaching, Healthcare Leadership, and Leadership and Talent Development to support the degree programs of students both within the College of Education and Human Development and those pursuing a degree through another college/school at the University. Undergraduate Certificates are also offered in Healthcare Leadership and Human Resource Leadership, which are open to both those in other degree programs at the university, or can be pursued in a non-degree status, for those only seeking a certificate.
College of Education and Human Development Administration
The complete and up-to-date list of Education leadership and administration is located on the CEHD website.
Faculty and Departmental Information
The complete and up-to-date list of departments and faculty is located on the CEHD website.
Academic Advising
Academic advising is located in Room 140 of the Porter Education Building and is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Our academic advising office provides prospective and current students with excellent academic advising, consistent and accurate program information, and services related to registration, financial aid, and admissions.
Please call (502) 852-5597 or email to schedule an undergraduate advising appointment, to ask questions concerning enrollment and student services, or information regarding application to one of many programs offered by the College of Education and Human Development.
About the Programs
Academic Grievance Procedure
The College of Education and Human Development follows the procedures for academic grievances found in this catalog and as published in The Redbook, Chapter 6, Article 8. Any student considering filing such a grievance should consult with the Student Grievance Officer or the Associate Dean for Student Success and Academic Affairs in the College of Education and Human Development, who will apprise the student of the policies and procedures regarding grievances.
Students of the College of Education & Human Development can contact Interim Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Student Services and Enrollment Management, Dr. Dylan Naeger, (502) 852-5050, for questions, concerns, and reports of student conduct, complaints, and grievances.
Statement of Policy and Procedures with Respect to Academic Integrity
A primary goal of the College of Education and Human Development is to educate men and women who will serve the education community with competence and integrity. To this end, the faculty considers academic honesty on the part of students of paramount importance. At another level, the trust existing between faculty and students must not be tainted with suspicion of dishonesty. Academic dishonesty is defined in the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities. In the event that a student believes the following procedures for handling allegations of academic dishonesty have resulted in an injustice, that student may seek counsel from the Student Grievance Officer.
Procedures for Dealing with Breaches of Academic Integrity
- A faculty member who believes that a student has committed an act of academic dishonesty shall, after checking with the clearinghouse to determine if the student has been found guilty of such acts previously, prepare a written statement that specifies the charge and that proposes the penalties to be imposed on the student. The proposed penalties shall be described as either:
- Academic penalties, which are penalties associated with the class in question, such as resubmission of or alternate assignments, F on the assignment, F for the course, etc.; or
- Administrative penalties, which are suggested penalties to be imposed by the Dean or Provost, such as suspension or expulsion from the College of Education and Human Development or the University.
- The faculty member shall meet with the student in person and in private, at which time the faculty member shall:
- Explain the basis for the allegation;
- Give the student a copy of the written statement of the charge and proposed penalties; and
- Give the student a copy of these procedures.
- The student shall either admit or deny the charge of academic dishonesty in writing no later than one week after the meeting with the faculty member. If the student does not meet this deadline, the student will be deemed to have denied the charge.
- If the student admits the charge, any proposed academic penalties shall be implemented by the faculty member. The faculty member shall then forward the Statement of Charges and proposed administrative penalties, if any, the student’s admission of guilt, and a statement of the academic penalties imposed, if any, to the Dean.
The Dean shall review the documents and shall issue a decision, within 15 school days, regarding whether any administrative sanctions shall be imposed on the student by the College of Education and Human Development, and whether any University-wide administrative sanctions will be recommended to the Provost. The Dean shall notify the student, the faculty member, the department chair, and the Associate Dean of this decision. The Dean shall forward any recommended University-wide administrative sanctions to the Provost. - If the student denies the charge, the faculty member shall forward the statement of the charge and proposed penalties to the department chair, or, if the department chair is the faculty member making the allegation, to the Associate Dean. The department chair or the Associate Dean shall schedule a hearing.
Notice of the hearing shall either be hand-delivered or sent by Registered U.S. Postal Service to the student, at the address listed with the Registrar’s Office, and to the faculty member via inter-office mail. The notice should be sent at least 10 school days prior to the hearing. The notice should state the time, date and place of the hearing and contain a copy of the original statement of the allegations.
At the hearing, the professor and the student will each be provided an opportunity to present oral testimony and written evidence. The burden of establishing the student’s guilt rests with the professor, who must do so by a preponderance of the evidence. A student may be assisted at the hearing by an advisor of his/her choosing. However, that person will not be permitted to speak on behalf of the student at the hearing. If the student fails to appear after proper notice, the hearing will be held in the student’s absence and a final decision rendered.
After the hearing, the chair or the Associate Dean, as appropriate, will render a decision. Decisions of academic penalties will be final. Additional administrative-penalties recommended will be forwarded to the Dean with all materials submitted at the hearing, including a brief, written statement of reasons for the finding.
The Dean will consider the recommendation. Within 10 school days, the Dean will make a decision and notify the student, the professor, and the department chair or Associate Dean of the final action taken in the case. Notice of the decision will also be sent to the Office of the Provost. If the Dean’s decision is not timely, the recommendation is voided and the action is dismissed.
Instructional Modification
Students with disabilities, who need reasonable modifications to complete assignments successfully and otherwise satisfy course criteria, are encouraged to meet with the instructor as early in the course as possible to identify and plan specific accommodations. Students may be asked to supply a letter from the Disability Resource Center or other documentation, which will assist in planning modifications.
Diversity is a shared vision for our efforts in preparing teachers, administrators, school counselors and other professionals. Students will be encouraged to investigate and gain a current perspective of diversity issues (race, ethnicity, language, religion, culture, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual identity, disability, ability, age, national origin, geographic location, military status, etc.) related to their chosen fields. Students will also have the opportunity to examine critically how diversity issues apply to and affect philosophical positions, sociological issues, and current events in a variety of areas. Students will examine their belief systems and be encouraged to reexamine and develop more grounded beliefs and practices regarding diversity.
Student Teaching/Field Experiences
In all phases of the Developmental Teacher Preparation Model, candidates participating in field and clinical experiences must abide by all policies, rules, and regulations of the University and the assigned school. Failure to abide by standards of conduct and performance established by the faculty may result in the removal from the program. Student teaching requires a minimum 15-week clinical experience in school setting(s) related to the teaching certificate a teacher candidate is seeking. Teacher candidates work with a cooperating teacher and University Supervisor participating in the work of teaching. Placement in student teaching is contingent upon the applicant’s successful completion of required program coursework and assessments, and faculty recommendation. Evaluation is based on Kentucky Teacher Standards and Professional Code of Ethics.
Academic Forgiveness & Fresh Start
Academic Forgiveness policies allow students to request the adjustment of their records for one or more continuous semesters of previous college work, provided certain criteria are met. Additional information on Academic Forgiveness and Fresh Start policies can be found in this catalog.
Undergraduate Programs
- Athletic Coaching (Minor)
- Climate, Equity, and Opportunity in the Workplace (CERT)
- Counseling and Human Relations (Minor)
- Elementary Education (BS)
- Exercise Physiology (BS)
- Exercise Science (Minor)
- Health and Human Performance (BS)
- Healthcare Leadership (Minor)
- Leadership and Talent Development (Minor)
- Middle/Secondary (High School) Education (BS)
- Organizational Leadership and Learning (BS)
- Organizational Leadership and Learning, Track in Healthcare Leadership (BS)
- Sport Administration (BS)
- Sport Administration (Minor)
- Sport Media (Minor)