Asian Studies (Minor)

37 Asia Studies

This program was approved for students entering the university in the Summer 2024–Spring 2025 catalog year. For more information about catalog year, go to Catalog Year Information.

Minor in Asian Studies
Unit: College of Arts and Sciences (AS)
Program:  Asian Studies 
Academic Plan Code(s): AST_MINOR

Note:  Admission to the major requires a minimum 2.0 cumulative University of Louisville GPA.

Program Requirements

AST 310Introduction to Asian Studies - SB, D23
Electives in Humanities (excluding Asian languages)
Select two of the following:6
Tales of the Chinese Diaspora - AH, D2
Survey of Asian Art - AH, D2
Chinese Art
Twentieth Century Chinese Artists and Architects - D2, AH
Eastern Asia Landscape Art
Architecture and Gardens in China and Japan
Studies in Asian Art
Topics in Asian Studies-Humanities
CHST: any course
East Asian Cultures
South Asian Religious Thought and Culture - AH, D2
Eastern Mysticism
East Asian Religious Thought and Culture - D2, AH
Japanese Culture Through Film - AH, D2
Japanese Popular Culture - AH, D2
Special Topics in Japanese Studies
Tales of the Chinese Diaspora - D2, AH
Japanese Culture Through Film - D2, AH
Special Topics in Language, Literature, or Culture
Electives in Social Sciences
Select two of the following: 6
Contemporary Chinese Society - SB, D2
Geography of South Asia
Topics in Asian Studies-Humanities
History of India
Modern China
Traditional China
Nationalism and Modernity in East Asia
The People's Republic of China - D2, WR, SB
Politics of East Asia - D2, SB
Politics and Government of Southeast Asia
Women in East Asian History
Russia and Eurasia - WR
Comparative Political Economy
The United States and East Asia - WR
Electives in Language
Any course in Chinese or Japanese language3
Minimum Total Hours18

Many departments offer topics courses that may have an Asian focus, including ARTH 342/ARTH 542 and ARTH 593; GEOG 590; HUM 511, HUM 512; M L 313; WGST 591.  Such courses may apply to the minor in Asian Studies with the permission of the program director, who will determine which requirements such courses meet.

No more than 12 hours approved for the minor in Chinese Studies may also apply to the minor in Asian Studies.

Students are encouraged to participate in a study abroad program in Asia.  Such a program will substitute for an elective in an area approved by the program director.  Credit hours applied to the minor will be determined by the program director.

At least three (3) semester hours of the requirements for a minor must be successfully completed while enrolled in the University of Louisville.  

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