Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (MS)

Admission Standards

The admission standards for the Master of Science program in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine  are as follows:

  1. All admission applications for the program shall include:
    1. A completed application for admission for the Graduate School,
    2. An application fee,
    3. At least two letters of recommendation,
    4. Written statement describing previous experience related to Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and how the Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine will allow the applicant to fulfill their career goals, and
    5. Official transcript(s) for all previous post-secondary coursework.  All transcripts not in English must be certified as authentic and translated verbatim into English. 
  2. The minimum requirement for admission is the baccalaureate degree or its equivalent from an accredited institution.
  3. The successful applicant will typically have an undergraduate grade point average of 3.00 or above (on a 4.00 scale).
  4. International students whose primary language is not English must show English language proficiency by a TOEFL score or demonstration of a degree awarded from an acceptable English language institution.  The successful applicant will typically have a TOEFL score of 79 or higher or overall IELTS score of 6.5 or higher.

Degree Requirements

Program Core
BE XXX Introduction to AI in Medicine3
PHST 661Probability3
PHST 620Introduction to Statistical Computing3
PHMS 641Data Mining I3
BE 542Medical Image Computing3
BE 540Machine Learning in Medicine3
PHMS 642Data Mining II3
Electives (Choose two from the following):6
Modeling of Biological Phenomena
Special Topics in Bioengineering
Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Digital Pathology
Computer Tools for Medical Image Analysis
Machine Learning in Python
Advanced Topics in Bioengineering
Computational Methods for Medical Image Analysis
BE 6XX Graduate Project in AI3
Minimum Total Hours30

The Master of Science degree must be completed with a 3.00 GPA or better for all graduate courses used to satisfy degree requirements and all academic work attempted in graduate studies.