Catalog A-Z Index
- About the Graduate School
- About the School
- About the School of Medicine
- About the University of Louisville
- Academic Advising
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Forgiveness
- Academic Freedom
- Academic Fresh Start
- Academic Grievances
- Academic Policies
- Academic Policies, DMD Program
- Academic Standing
- Academic Success
- Academic Support
- Academic Unit Information
- Accelerated Programs
- Acceptance and Registration
- Accountancy and Analytics (MS)
- Accounting (ACCT)
- Accounting (ACCT)
- Accounting (CAC)
- Accounting (Minor)
- Actuarial Mathematics (Minor)
- Administration
- Administration and Faculty
- Admission Information for the DMD
- Admissions
- Admission to the College of Arts and Sciences
- Admission to the College of Business
- Admission to the College of Education and Human Development
- Admission to the Dental Hygiene Program
- Admission to the J.B. Speed School of Engineering
- Admission to the Kent School of Social Work and Family Science
- Admission to the School of Medicine
- Admission to the School of Music
- Admission to the School of Nursing
- Admission to the School of Public Health and Information Sciences
- Admission to the University of Louisville
- Aerospace Studies (AIRS)
- Aerospace Studies (Minor)
- Affiliated Facilities
- African American Theatre (CERT)
- Alternative Coursework
- American Sign Language (ASL)
- American Sign Language Interpreting Studies (BS)
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology (ASNB)
- Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology (ASNB)
- Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology (ASNB)
- Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology (MS)
- Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology (PhD)
- Anesthesiology (ANES)
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Anthropology (BA)
- Anthropology (BS)
- Anthropology (MA)
- Application and Admission
- Application Requirements
- Applied Behavior Analysis (CERT)
- Applied Family Science (AFS)
- Applied Family Science (Minor)
- Applied Philosophy (MA)
- Applied Statistics and Data Science (Minor)
- Applying for Aid
- Arabic (ARAB)
- Arabic (Minor)
- Archaeology (Minor)
- Art (BA)
- Art (Creative) and Art History (MA)
- Art - Fine Art (BFA)
- Art History (ARTH)
- Art History (ARTH)
- Art History (Minor)
- Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (CERT)
- Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (MS)
- Art (Minor)
- Art (Studio) (ART)
- Art (Studio) (ART)
- Asian Studies (AST)
- Asian Studies (AST)
- Asian Studies (BA)
- Asian Studies (CERT)
- Asian Studies (Minor)
- Athletic Coaching (Minor)
- Atmospheric Physics (Minor)
- Audiology (AuD)
- Audiology (AUDI)
- Auditing Courses
- Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
- Basic Medical Sciences (BMSC)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics (MS)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics (PhD)
- Biochemistry (BIOC)
- Biochemistry (BIOC)
- Biochemistry (BIOC)
- Biochemistry (BS)
- Bioengineering (BE)
- Bioengineering (BE)
- Bioengineering (BS)
- Bioengineering (MEng)
- Bioengineering (MS)
- Bioethics (BETH)
- Biology (BA)
- Biology (BIOL)
- Biology (BIOL)
- Biology (BS)
- Biology (Minor)
- Biology (MS)
- Biology (PhD)
- Biology with a 3+3 Track to PharmD (BA)
- Biology with a 3+4 Track to DMD (BA)
- Biostatistics (CERT)
- Biostatistics (MS)
- Biostatistics (PhD)
- Black Performance Studies (Minor)
- Business Administration in Accountancy (BSBA)
- Business Administration in Computer Information Systems (BSBA)
- Business Administration (MBA)
- Business Administration (Minor)
- Business Analytics (MS)
- Business Analytics (MSBA)
- Business (BUS)
- Business Communication (Minor)
- Business Economics (BS)
- Business Economics with a 3+3 Track to Law (BS)
- Business of Healthcare (BOHC)
- Business of Healthcare (CERT)
- Business Statistics (BSTA)
- Campus Culture / Business (CAMP)
- Campus Maps
- Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery (CATS)
- Catalog Archive
- Catalog Year
- Certified School Counselor (RANK1)
- Character and Fitness Reporting
- Chemical Engineering (BS)
- Chemical Engineering (CHE)
- Chemical Engineering (CHE)
- Chemical Engineering (MEng)
- Chemical Engineering (MS)
- Chemical Engineering (PhD)
- Chemistry (BA)
- Chemistry (BS)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Chemistry - Life Science (Minor)
- Chemistry (MS)
- Chemistry (PhD)
- Chemistry - Physical Sciences (Minor)
- Chinese (CHNS)
- Chinese (CHNS)
- Chinese (Minor)
- Chinese Studies (CHST)
- Chinese Studies (Minor)
- Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)
- Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)
- Civil Engineering (BS)
- Civil Engineering (MEng)
- Civil Engineering (MS)
- Civil Engineering (PhD)
- Class Attendance and Excused Absence
- Classical Studies (Minor)
- Classification of Students
- Climate, Equity, and Opportunity in the Workplace (CERT)
- Clinical Investigation Sciences (CERT)
- Clinical Investigation Sciences (MSc)
- Code of Student Conduct
- Code of Student Conduct
- Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities
- College of Arts and Sciences
- College of Business
- College of Education and Human Development
- Commercial Law (CLAW)
- Commercial Law (CLAW)
- Communication (BA)
- Communication (BS)
- Communication (COMM)
- Communication (COMM)
- Communication (MA)
- Communication (Minor)
- Communication with a 3+3 Track to Law (BA)
- Communicative Disorders (CMDS)
- Communicative Disorders (CMDS)
- Communicative Disorders (MS)
- Comprehensive Dentistry (CMPD)
- Computer Engineering (Minor)
- Computer Information Systems (CIS)
- Computer Information Systems (CIS)
- Computer Information Systems (Minor)
- Computer Science and Engineering (BS)
- Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
- Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
- Computer Science and Engineering (MEng)
- Computer Science and Engineering (PhD)
- Computer Science (BA)
- Computer Science (Minor)
- Computer Science (MS)
- Conservation Biology (Minor)
- Construction Operations (CERT)
- Continuing Studies
- Counseling and Human Relations (Minor)
- Counseling and Personnel Services (MEd)
- Counseling and Personnel Services (PhD)
- Couple and Family Therapy (MS)
- Course Load
- Course Registration Policies
- Courses and Programs
- Courses A-Z
- /course-search/api/
- Criminalistics and Criminology (CC)
- Criminal Justice (BS)
- Criminal Justice (CJ)
- Criminal Justice (CJ)
- Criminal Justice (Minor)
- Criminal Justice (MS)
- Criminal Justice (PhD)
- Criminal Justice with a 3+3 Track to Law (BS)
- Critical and Curatorial Studies (CCS)
- Critical and Curatorial Studies (CCS)
- Curriculum and Instruction (EdS)
- Curriculum and Instruction (PhD)
- Cybersecurity (CERT)
- Data Analytics (Minor)
- Data Science (CERT)
- Deaf Studies (Minor)
- Dean’s List and Scholars
- Degree Requirements
- Degree Requirements
- Dental Competencies
- Dental Hygiene (BS)
- Dental Hygiene Education (DHED)
- Dentistry Bulletin Archive
- Dentistry (DMD)
- Dentistry (MSD)
- Design (DES)
- Diagnosis and Oral Health (DXOH)
- Diagnostic Radiology (RADI)
- Disability Requests
- Disability Studies (Minor)
- Distilled Spirits Business (CERT)
- Distilled Spirits Business (SPIR)
- Distinction Tracks
- Diversity and Inequality (Minor)
- Diversity Literacy (CERT)
- DMD Courses
- Doctoral Candidacy (DOCT)
- Doctor of Medicine Coursework
- Doctor of Social Work (DSW)
- Drug-Free Schools and Campuses
- Early Childhood Education, Interdisciplinary - Teacher Residency (MAT)
- Economics (BA)
- Economics (ECON)
- Economics (ECON)
- Economics (Minor)
- Economics with a 3+3 Track to Law (BA)
- Education: Advanced Practitioner (EDAP)
- Education: Advanced Practitioner (EDAP)
- Educational Administration (EdS)
- Educational Administration (Rank 1)
- Educational and Counseling Psychology (ECPY)
- Educational and Counseling Psychology (ECPY)
- Educational Leadership and Organizational Development (EdD)
- Educational Leadership and Organizational Development (PhD)
- Education: Educational Leadership, Evaluation, and Organizational Development (LEAD/ELFH)
- Education: Educational Leadership, Evaluation, and Organizational Development (LEAD/ELFH)
- Education: Special Education (EDSP)
- Education: Special Education (EDSP)
- Education: Teacher Preparation (EDTP)
- Education: Teacher Preparation (EDTP)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)
- Electrical Engineering (BS)
- Electrical Engineering (MEng)
- Electrical Engineering (MS)
- Electrical Engineering (PhD)
- Elementary Education, Alternative Certification (MAT)
- Elementary Education (BS)
- Elementary Education (MAT)
- Elementary Education (RANK1)
- Elementary Education - Teacher Residency (MAT)
- Emergency Medicine (EMED)
- Engineering Fundamentals (ENGR)
- Engineering Logistics (CERT)
- Engineering Management (EM)
- Engineering Management (EM)
- Engineering Management (MEng)
- English (BA)
- English Creative Writing (Minor)
- English (ENGL)
- English (ENGL)
- English Literature (Minor)
- English (MA)
- English Professional and Public Writing (Minor)
- English Rhetoric and Composition (PhD)
- Entrepreneurship (ENTR)
- Entrepreneurship (ENTR)
- Entrepreneurship in Music Industry (Minor)
- Entrepreneurship (Minor)
- Entrepreneurship (PhD)
- Environmental Analysis (Minor)
- Environmental Engineering (CERT)
- Environmental Sciences (ENVS)
- Environmental Sciences (ENVS)
- Epidemiology (Minor)
- Epidemiology (MS)
- Equine Administration (EQIN)
- Equine Business, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA)
- Equine Business (CERT)
- Equine Business (Minor)
- Ethical and Professional Requirements
- Ethics (CERT)
- Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
- Exercise Physiology (BS)
- Exercise Physiology (EXP)
- Exercise Physiology (EXP)
- Exercise Physiology (MS)
- Exercise Science (Minor)
- Facilities
- Family Business Management and Advising (CERT)
- Family Practice (FMED)
- Film Studies and Production (Minor)
- Final Examinations
- Finance, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA)
- Finance (FIN)
- Finance (FIN)
- Finance (Minor)
- Financial Aid
- Financial Aid
- Financial Aid and Financial Settlement
- Financial Information
- Financial Information
- Financial Settlement
- Forensic Anthropology (Minor)
- Franchise Entrepreneurship (Minor)
- Franchise Management (CERT)
- Franchise Management (CERT)
- Franchise Management (FRAN)
- French (BA)
- French (FREN)
- French (FREN)
- French (Minor)
- From the Dean
- Full-Time/Emeritus Faculty
- General Education: Cardinal Core
- General Education: Cardinal Core Requirements
- General Policies, Procedures and Requirements
- General Studies (BS)
- General Studies (GEN)
- Geography, Applied (BS)
- Geography, Applied (MS)
- Geography (GEOG)
- Geography (GEOG)
- Geography (Minor)
- Geospatial Technologies, Applied (CGT)
- German (GER)
- German (GER)
- German (Minor)
- Global Public Health (GLPH)
- Global Public Health (Minor)
- Grades and Grading Policies
- Grading
- Grading & Class Rank
- Graduate Catalog 2024-2025
- Graduate Catalog Archive
- Graduate Courses A-Z
- Graduate/Emeritus Faculty
- Graduate Interdisciplinary (GS)
- Graduate Programs and Professional Study
- Graduate Programs of Study
- Graduate Student Academic Grievance Procedure
- Graduate Student Awards and Honors
- Graduation and Degree Requirements
- Graduation Policies
- Graduation Policies
- Graduation with Academic Accolades
- Greek (GR)
- Health Administration (MS)
- Health and Human Performance (BS)
- Health and Physical Education (MAT)
- Health and Sport Sciences (HSS)
- Health and Sport Sciences (HSS)
- Healthcare Administration (HADM)
- Healthcare Ethics (CERT)
- Healthcare Financial Management (CERT)
- Healthcare Leadership (CERT)
- Healthcare Leadership (Minor)
- Healthcare Management (CERT)
- Healthcare Management (Minor)
- Healthcare Quality and Project Management (CERT)
- Healthcare Skills (CERT)
- Healthcare Systems Engineering (CERT)
- Health Data Analytics (MS)
- Health, Medicine and Well-Being (Minor)
- Health Professions Education (CERT)
- Health Professions Education (HPE)
- Health Professions Education (MS)
- Hebrew (HEBR)
- Higher Education Administration (MA)
- History (BA)
- History (HIST)
- History (HIST)
- History (MA)
- History (Minor)
- History of the School of Medicine
- History of the University
- History of the University
- History with 3+3 Track to Law (BA)
- Honor Code and Professionalism
- Honors and Awards
- Honors (HON)
- Honor Societies
- Horse Racing Industry Business (CERT)
- Hospitality Management (HOSP)
- Hospitality Management (Minor)
- Humanities (BA)
- Humanities (HUM)
- Humanities (HUM)
- Humanities (MA)
- Humanities (Minor)
- Humanities (PhD)
- Human Resource Leadership (CERT)
- Human Resources and Organization Development (MS)
- Human Resources Management (Minor)
- Incompletes
- Individualized Major (Liberal Studies) (BA)
- Industrial Engineering (BS)
- Industrial Engineering (IE)
- Industrial Engineering (IE)
- Industrial Engineering (Minor)
- Industrial Engineering (MS)
- Industrial Engineering (PhD)
- Information Technology
- Innovation Master of Business Administration (IMBA)
- Institutional Accreditation and Membership
- Institutional and Professional Accreditation
- Institutional and Professional Accreditation
- Institutional and Professional Accreditation
- Interdepartmental Courses (IDEP)
- Interdisciplinary Computational Sciences (Minor)
- Interdisciplinary Data Sciences (Minor)
- Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education, Alternative Certification (MAT)
- Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (MAT)
- Interdisciplinary Studies: Concentration in Sustainability (MA/MS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies (IDSC)
- Interdisciplinary Studies (MA)
- Interdisciplinary Studies (MS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies (PhD)
- Interdisciplinary Studies: Specialization in Bioinformatics (PhD)
- Interdisciplinary Studies: Specialization in Translational Bioengineering (PhD)
- Interdisciplinary Studies: Specialization in Translational Neuroscience (PhD)
- International Advanced Standing
- International Business (Minor)
- International DMD Applicants
- Interpreter Training (ITP)
- Japanese Language (JAPN)
- Japanese (Minor)
- Japanese Studies (JPST)
- J.B. Speed School of Engineering
- Jewish Studies (Minor)
- Justice Administration (JA)
- Latin American and Latino Studies (BA)
- Latin American and Latino Studies (CERT)
- Latin American and Latino Studies (LALS)
- Latin American and Latino Studies (LALS)
- Latin American and Latino Studies (Minor)
- Latin (LAT)
- Law Courses
- Leadership
- Leadership and Talent Development (Minor)
- Leadership (Minor)
- Leave of Absence
- Letter from the Dean
- LGBTQ Health Studies (CERT)
- LGBTQ Studies (Minor)
- Liberal Studies (LBST)
- Linguistics (LING)
- Linguistics (LING)
- Linguistics (Minor)
- Louis D. Brandeis School of Law
- Majors
- Management (BSBA)
- Management (MGMT)
- Management (MGMT)
- Management (Minor)
- Managerial Analytics
- Managerial Analytics (CERT)
- Marketing, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA)
- Marketing (Minor)
- Marketing (MKT)
- Marketing (MKT)
- Master of Accountancy (MAC)
- Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- Master of Engineering Residency (MENG)
- Master of Social Work (MSSW)
- Master's Candidacy (MAST)
- Materials and Energy Science and Engineering
- Materials and Energy Science and Engineering (MS)
- Mathematics, Applied and Industrial (PhD)
- Mathematics (BA)
- Mathematics (BS)
- Mathematics for Education (MTED)
- Mathematics (MA)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Mathematics (Minor)
- Math (Pathways beginning Fall 2012) (MAT)
- MD Requirements
- Mechanical Engineering (BS)
- Mechanical Engineering (ME)
- Mechanical Engineering (ME)
- Mechanical Engineering (MEng)
- Mechanical Engineering (MS)
- Mechanical Engineering (PhD)
- Medicine (MED)
- Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CERT)
- Meteorology (Minor)
- Microbiology and Immunology (MBIO)
- Microbiology and Immunology (MS)
- Microbiology and Immunology (PhD)
- Microbiology & Immunology (MBIO)
- Middle East and Islamic Studies (Minor)
- Middle Grades Education (RANK1)
- Middle School Education - Alternative Certification 5-9 (MAT)
- Middle School Education (MAT)
- Middle School Education, Teacher Residency (MAT)
- Middle/Secondary (High School) Education (BS)
- Military Science (MILS)
- Minimum Technical Standards
- Minors
- Mission Statement
- Mission Statement of the Graduate School
- Mission Statement of the University of Louisville
- Mistreatment Policy
- Modern Languages (M L)
- Modern Languages (M L)
- Multicultural Marketing (Minor)
- Music and New Media (Minor)
- Music Composition (BM)
- Music Composition (MM)
- Music Education (BM)
- Music Education (MAT)
- Music Education (MME)
- Music Education (MUED)
- Music Education (MUED)
- Music Education, Pre-Certification (BM)
- Music General (BA)
- Music History and Literature (MM)
- Music History (BM)
- Music History (MUH)
- Music Instrumental Performance (BM)
- Music, Jazz Performance (BM)
- Music, Jazz Studies (BA)
- Music (Minor)
- Music (MUS)
- Music (MUS)
- Music & New Media (BA)
- Music Organ Performance (BM)
- Music Performance (MM)
- Music, Piano Performance (BM)
- Music Theory (BM)
- Music Theory (MM)
- Music Therapy (BM)
- Music Therapy (MUTH)
- Music Vocal Performance (BM)
- Neurological Surgery (NSUR)
- Neurology (NEUR)
- Neuroscience (BS)
- New Graduate Student Information
- Nurse Practitioner - APRN (Post-Graduate Certificate)
- Nursing, Accelerated Program (BSN)
- Nursing - Leadership (MSN)
- Nursing (MSN)
- Nursing (NURS)
- Nursing (NURS)
- Nursing (PhD)
- Nursing Practice (DNP)
- Nursing Practice, Specialization in Nurse Anesthesia (DNP)
- Nursing, Pre-Licensure Program (BSN)
- Nursing (RN-BSN Online Program) (BSN)
- Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB&G)
- Ophthalmology (OPHT)
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS)
- Oral Biology (MS)
- Oral Biology (OBIO)
- Oral Biology (OBIO)
- Oral Immunology and Infecious Diseases (OIID)
- Oral Immunology and Infectious Diseases (OIID)
- Organizational Change in Higher Education (CERT)
- Organizational Leadership and Learning (BS)
- Organizational Leadership and Learning, Track in Healthcare Leadership (BS)
- Organizations and Activities
- Orthopaedic Surgery (ORPD)
- Otolaryngology (OTOL)
- Pan-African Studies (BA)
- Pan-African Studies (BS)
- Pan-African Studies (CERT)
- Pan-African Studies (MA)
- Pan-African Studies (Minor)
- Pan-African Studies (PAS)
- Pan-African Studies (PAS)
- Pan-African Studies (PhD)
- Pass/No Credit
- Pathology (PATH)
- Paying for Your MD
- /pdf/
- Peace, Justice, and Conflict Transformation (CPC)
- Peace, Justice, and Conflict Transformation (Minor)
- Peace, Justice and Conflict Transformation (PEAC)
- Peace, Justice and Conflict Transformation (PEAC)
- Pediatrics (PEDI)
- Pharmacology and Toxicology (MS)
- Pharmacology and Toxicology (PhD)
- Pharmacology and Toxicology (PHTX)
- Pharmacology and Toxicology (PHTX)
- Pharmacology and Toxicology (PHTX)
- Philosophy (BA)
- Philosophy (Minor)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (Minor)
- Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE)
- Physics and Astronomy (PHYS)
- Physics and Astronomy (PHYS)
- Physics (BA)
- Physics (BS)
- Physics (Minor)
- Physics (MS)
- Physics (PhD)
- Physiology (MS)
- Physiology (PhD)
- Physiology (PHZB)
- Physiology (PHZB)
- Physiology (PHZB)
- Planning (PLAN)
- Planning (PLAN)
- Police Executive Leadership Development (CERT)
- Police Executive Leadership Development (CPE)
- Policies Governing Graduate Courses
- Political Marketing (Minor)
- Political Science (BA)
- Political Science (BS)
- Political Science (MA)
- Political Science (Minor)
- Political Science (POLS)
- Political Science (POLS)
- Political Science with a 3+3 Track to Law (BA)
- Population Health Management (CERT)
- Portuguese (PORT)
- Pre-Med Requirements
- Prizes & Awards
- Professional Sales (Minor)
- Professional School Catalogs/Bulletins
- Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (PSY)
- Psychological Science (MS)
- Psychological Science (PhD)
- Psychology (BS)
- Psychology - Clinical (PhD)
- Psychology (Minor)
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Public Administration (MPA)
- Public Administration (PADM)
- Public Administration (PADM)
- Public Health (BA)
- Public Health - Biostatistics (PHST)
- Public Health, Biostatistics (PHST)
- Public Health (BS)
- Public Health - Environmental Health (PHEH)
- Public Health, Environmental Health (PHEH)
- Public Health - Epidemiology (PHEP)
- Public Health, Epidemiology (PHEP)
- Public Health - Health Promotion & Behavioral Science (PHPB)
- Public Health - Health Promotion & Behavioral Science (PHPB)
- Public Health, Management Systems Sciences (PHMS)
- Public Health, Management Systems Sciences (PHMS)
- Public Health (Minor)
- Public Health (MPH)
- Public Health - Public Health (PHPH)
- Public Health, Public Health (PHPH)
- Public Health Sciences: Specialization in Epidemiology (PhD)
- Public Health Sciences: Specialization in Health Management and Policy (PhD)
- Public Health Sciences: Specialization in Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences (PhD)
- Public Health Training (CERT)
- Public History (CERT)
- Race/Gender Studies (Minor)
- Real Estate Development (CERT)
- Real Estate (Minor)
- Registration
- Rehabilitative and Reconstructive Dentistry (RARD)
- Religious Days and Observances
- Religious Studies (Minor)
- Repeating Courses
- Residency
- Residency for Tuition Purposes
- Residency Policy
- Residency Requirements
- Residency Status
- Russian (RUSS)
- Russian Studies (Minor)
- Sales (CERT)
- Scholarships and University Fellowships
- School of Dentistry
- School of Dentistry Bulletin
- School of Law Bulletin and Handbook Archive
- School of Medicine Bulletin
- School of Medicine Bulletin Archive
- School of Medicine Mission Statement
- School of Medicine Policies
- School of Music
- School of Nursing
- School of Public Health and Information Sciences
- School Social Work (RANK1)
- Search Classes
- Secondary Education - Alternative Certification 8-12 (MAT)
- Secondary Education (MAT)
- Secondary Education (RANK1)
- Secondary Education - Teacher Residency (MAT)
- Six Sigma (CERT)
- Social Change (Minor)
- Social Change (SCHG)
- Social Entrepreneurship (Minor)
- Social Justice and Health Equity (Minor)
- Social Work (BSW)
- Social Work (BSW)
- Social Work - Couple & Family Therapy (MCFT)
- Social Work - Doctor of Social Work (DSW)
- Social Work - Master of Science in Social Work(MSSW)
- Social Work (Minor)
- Social Work (MSSW)
- Social Work (PhD)
- Social Work - PhD (Phd-SW)
- Socio-Cultural Anthropology (Minor)
- Sociology, Applied (PhD)
- Sociology (BA)
- Sociology (BS)
- Sociology (MA)
- Sociology (Minor)
- Sociology of Culture (Minor)
- Sociology (SOC)
- Sociology (SOC)
- Spanish (BA)
- Spanish (Minor)
- Spanish (SPAN)
- Spanish (SPAN)
- Special Education - Advanced Practitioner P-12 (RANK1)
- Special Education, Concentration in Learning Behavior Disorders P-12, Alternative Certification (MAT)
- Special Education, Concentration in Learning Behavior Disorders P-12 (MAT)
- Special Education - Concentration in Learning Behavior Disorders - Teacher Residency (MAT)
- Special Education - Concentration in Moderate and Severe Disabilities - Teacher Residency (MAT)
- Special Education, Concentration in Moderate/Severe Disabilities P-12, Alternative Certification (MAT)
- Special Education, Concentration in Moderate/Severe Disabilities P-12 (MAT)
- Special Education (MEd)
- Special Education, Non-Teaching (MEd)
- Special Education, Non-Teaching (MED) Concentration in Applied Behavior Analysis
- Special Facilities and Services
- Sport Administration (BS)
- Sport Administration (Minor)
- Sport Administration (MS)
- Sport Administration (SPAD)
- Sport Administration (SPAD)
- Sport Media (Minor)
- STEM Entrepreneurship (Minor)
- Strategic Communication and Social Media (Minor)
- Structural Engineering (CERT)
- Student Life
- Student Records
- Student Records, Rights and Responsibilities
- Student Resources
- Student Resources
- Student Rights, Responsibilities and Discipline
- Student Success Policies
- Studio Art and Design (MFA)
- Substance Use and Drug Screening
- Surgery (SURG)
- Sustainability (BA)
- Sustainability (Minor)
- Sustainability (SUST)
- Teaching and Learning (LEADMEd)
- Teaching English as an International Language - TEIL (CERT)
- Technical Standards
- Theatre Arts (BS)
- Theatre Arts (MFA)
- Theatre Arts (Minor)
- Theatre Arts (TA)
- Theatre Arts (TA)
- Therapeutic Radiology (TRAD)
- Transfer Students
- Transfer Students
- Translation Program (TRPR)
- Transportation Engineering (CERT)
- Trover
- Tuition, Fees & Expenses
- Undergraduate and Graduate Courses
- Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025
- Undergraduate Catalog Archive
- Undergraduate Certificates
- Undergraduate Courses A-Z
- Undergraduate Programs of Study
- University Academic Policies
- University Policies
- University Policies and Procedures
- University Services
- University-Wide Academic Policies
- UofL Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Policies
- UofL Mission Statement
- UofL Policies
- Urban and Public Affairs (PhD)
- Urban and Public Affairs (UPA)
- Urban and Regional Analysis (Minor)
- Urban Planning (MUP)
- Urban Studies
- Urban Studies (BS)
- Urban Studies (URBS)
- Urology (UROL)
- Withdrawals
- Women in Entrepreneurship (Minor)
- Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies (BA)
- Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies (BS)
- Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies (CERT)
- Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies (MA)
- Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies (Minor)
- Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies (WGST)
- Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies (WGST)
- Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies with a 3+3 Track to Law (BA)